Become a member
Stay updated with all upcoming matches and events. Check out the schedule below and support KAS Football Club!
Be part of a visionary football team creating the future of the sport.
Experience top-quality training that fosters skills and creativity.
Join us in promoting football and acquiring vital skills.
Cultivate leadership skills through teamwork and discipline.
Our dedicated team of executives is committed to shaping the future of Kuola All Star Football Club.
A dynamic leader innovating the pathways for future football artistry and excellence.
Stewarding our financial resources with diligence to ensure sustainable growth for the club.
Gen. Sec
Orchestrating our club's activities with precision to enhance engagement and performance.
Financial Sec
Championing our financial integrity while aligning with long-term ambitions of the club.
Join us as we continue to build, promote, and enjoy the beautiful game. Subscribe to stay informed about our matches, updates, and events!